

High Tide Line

Two thousand years ago, give or take a few hundred years, Seleucus of Seleucia in Mesopotamia and Wang Chong in China concluded separately that the …


There is something unnerving about having a fire outdoors, watching the dusk turn to dark, watching the sparks fly up and kiss the emerging stars, …

Waders II

The boys run through the shallow water like piping plovers.  Their calls carry across the beach:  “Look!  A crab!  A jellyfish!  A minnow!”  They run …


  The plovers lift their wings on the beach and dash across the sand into the shallow water, laughing like carefree children.  Once there, they …

Storm Clouds

This year, summer days are elusive.  Like fiddleheads, wild strawberries, and morel mushrooms, we must gather them where and when we find them, and keep …

Open Sky

The clouds open up, showing a blue that is always so hard to remember.  This blue is like a door or a window to another …


I wonder sometimes if it is primal, instinctive, and mythic, or if I have merely learned somehow to feel a certain ache when gazing at …


  A pair of finches swoop and dive against a backdrop of eternal blue, playing a game of sky tag along the centreline as if …


A hawk’s feather lies along the path.  I stop to examine it, look carefully around to see if there are any others hidden among the …

Beach Glass

I’m not sure why we’ve come to treasure these broken bits of discarded bottle coughed up by the tide.  Perhaps it is because the sea …