I sleep in a garret: quintessential student lodging. From my window I can see other students walking by; none of them has very many clothes on despite the coolness of the morning. My partner wisely advises against the umbrella, suggesting gently that it will not make quite the right impression. I dutifully attend the Graduate Resources Fair, sans umbrella (thank goodness), but skip out of Strategies for Success early, just after the moment when the assemblage was being admonished to “have fun” and “make connections.” The best thing I have learned all morning is that the Ban Righ Centre forĀ mature women students serves a free soupy lunch every weekday. The worst thing I have learned is that even graduate students generally look younger than my children.
Did you escape the compulsory Oil Thigh?
Oil Thigh? Do tell!
The really scary thing is that when your child finally went back to finish her undergrad, she found many of the “mature” students to be quite a bit younger too…