I create the Rules of The Room as I go. Here is the list so far: Talk to no one. Email no one. Read no email. Look no one in the eye, except when out walking briskly. (Smiles are permissible.) Walk briskly daily. Drink a lot of water. Eat good food. When something intriguing arrives in the mind, do not look it up on Wikipedia. Do not write it down to look it up later; breathe deeply, and let it go. In fact, pretend the Internet does not exist—except for posting to dayletters. Do what feels right in the moment: sleep, read, draw, walk, write. Lie on the hip-sinking mat and do nothing and don’t feel guilty. See how it feels to not have to do anything in any particular time frame. Feel time open up like a long view from a high hill. Make room in The Room.