Shade and Shake
Even though it is early morning, the wind blows a fierce heat through the trees, and dry leaves rattle on thin branches. We keep to …
Even though it is early morning, the wind blows a fierce heat through the trees, and dry leaves rattle on thin branches. We keep to …
At the beginning of June the paths and clearings were carpeted in thousands of tiny white blossoms, but we were kept away from the berries …
Everywhere I look these days there are mushrooms: yellow and white and brown and red, squat and gangly, glistening and dusty—a hundred varieties, and almost …
The ants gather and protect the aphids, and milk them of honeydew. In the winter, they will carry the aphid eggs back to their underground …
There is a rut in the road that has been wet all summer—sometimes it is filled with murky water three or four inches deep, sometimes …
For months I have been walking past an oak on the hill path, looking up among the tops of spruces to search vainly for the …
Amidst an abundance of green, a few russet leaves wave languidly. I think about how difficult it is not to anticipate, to be in the …
I find the aged remnants of human life compelling. Surrounded by trees thirty feet tall, the rusted can appears on a path I am sure …
The side of the car has been ripped open. Still sitting upright in the back seat, a body is covered with what looks like …
We find them by the side of the road and spend twenty minutes waiting. When their mother doesn’t appear, we try the cell phone to …